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Location: Leesburg, Virginia

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

On nation, under-occupied

So the "numa numa dance" has spread through the campus like a virus and we are now getting to the point where the humor value of the video has dulled. Currently, the interest is in the song itself Dragostea din tei. I gotta say, as an American, that this is a great story. Some crappy euro-pop dance boy band (whatever) comes up with this song and it an amazing giant eastern Europe. I mean as far as I can tell it is the one and only hit song to come out of Romania. It's huge, the lyrics are on every Romanian website. It's bigger than their national anthem. But outside of eastern Europe...nothing. That is, until a fat bored American 19-year old living with his parents decides to make an ass of himself set to that song. Suddenly, powered by the Internet and this the humor value of this kid bouncing in his desk chair, it's and international sensation. God bless America. The most powerful force on the planet is a bored American.


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